- The president of AIMMGM, Rubén del Pozo, attends the installation of the Mining Commission in the Senate.
- Our mining wealth represents a unique opportunity to generate quality jobs, attract foreign investment and strengthen our public finances, he said.

Mexico City, Mexico. The president of the Association of Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Geologists of Mexico (AIMMGM), Rubén del Pozo Mendoza, attended the installation session of the Mining Commission of the LXVI Legislature in the Senate of the Republic on behalf of the professionals and technicians of the Mexican mining industry.

The event took place in the Protocol Room "Ifigenia Martínez", and was headed by Senator Lorenia Iveth Valles Sampedro, president of the aforementioned commission.

At the end of the protocol event, the senator headed a meeting with leaders of the mining sector where Mr. Del Pozo Mendoza expressed his confidence in the performance of the Mining Commission, and said that it will be convenient for it to serve as an efficient means with the Legislative to give mining its rightful dimension for the development of the country.

He commented at the meeting that many people speak easily of the need to prohibit open field mining, but are unaware that the productive practices in Mexican mining are the best in the world.
He pointed out that it is necessary to give certainty to national and foreign businessmen interested in participating in the sector, because many investors have emigrated to other countries where they have better conditions to invest.

The AIMMGM leader stated that the prohibition of open-pit mining implies the destruction of a strategic sector for the national economy and puts Mexico's mining sovereignty at risk by turning it into a country dependent on imports.

"Mining is an activity that has shaped the history of humanity, that has driven technological progress, and that today continues to be an engine of economic development. In Mexico, our mineral wealth represents a unique opportunity to generate quality jobs, attract foreign investment, and strengthen our public finances," he said.

He also said that mining is a sector that works with the highest environmental and social standards, always prioritizing dialogue and collaboration with all the actors involved in the sector and the competent authorities.

"Our commitment extends to more than 696 communities where we have a presence, benefiting more than 3 million families who depend on this noble activity," he added.

He emphasized that open-pit mining should be regulated, not stigmatized. "Let's continue to keep Mexico in the preponderant place it has as the main producer of essential minerals for the development of renewable energy, technology, medicines, transportation, furniture, household appliances and practically everything that humanity requires to make its life more productive and efficient."

The installation of the Mining Commission was attended by the leaders of Mujeres WIM Mexico, the Mining Chamber of Mexico, the Association of Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Geologists of Mexico and the Mining Cluster of Sonora, among others, who participated in a friendly dialogue and exchange of ideas to find solutions to the problems affecting the industry.